New Champlain College Policies

New Policies from the President (Dave Finney) on Smoking & Pets on Campus

Last year two College Council committees met to consider two areas of concern on campus. One has to do with smoking and the other with pets on campus. The Committee on Smoking has recommended, and I have agreed, to a ban on smoking in the central campus area and within 25 feet of all buildings. This would include the area bounded by the Summit Street buildings, the Maple Street buildings, the east side of Willard street buildings and over to the parking lot behind Schillhammer Hall. We hope to build a gazebo so our smokers have a covered place to smoke. Please, if you see someone smoking on the central campus, encourage them to adhere to the policy.

In addition, another committee met to consider the question of pets on campus. We have had a number of issues with pets. Some of our faculty, staff and students are allergic, and some fear dogs. After discussion with both College Council and the President’s Cabinet, I have decided to ban all pets from campus. I understand that this change will be upsetting, but in the interest of protecting all of our people, I believe it is a necessary decision. Of course this does not apply to seeing-eye or assistance/therapy animals.

Updated Smoking Policy

Good afternoon,

You may recall in September, 2012, Champlain College passed an outdoor smoking ban on central campus between the hours of 7 AM to 7 PM. Central campus includes the Aiken Lawn and the Rosendale Courtyard, sometimes referred to as the Hauke Courtyard. The ban included no smoking within 25 feet of all campus building entrances, outdoor air intake ventilation systems and near operable building windows. The College provided an alternative location for permitted smoking to occur, specifically in the large, wooden gazebo located next to Aiken Hall.

When the smoking ban went into effect, the College anticipated all faculty, staff and students would comply with the policy after the 2012 campus notification occurred and subsequent signage was put in place. Unfortunately, this has not always been the case. Although most people comply with campus policies, many people who pass through the Aiken Lawn and Rosendale Courtyard on a regular basis have seen the smoking ban compliance fall short.

Several people have asked the College administration to provide further notification, education and enforcement of the smoking ban. This email serves as a notification reminder of the ban.

Starting Monday, November 4, 2013, you will see an effort to further educate the community on the smoking ban. Members of our campus will be present on the courtyard to speak with people who are not complying with the policy. Our goal is for all Champlain College members and guests to comply with the smoking ban.

Please note: Starting Monday, November 11th behavior inconsistent with this policy will be documented. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action including but not limited to a written warning or fine, and in the case of students risking their status as a student. Fines will start at $25.00.

We hope this response addresses the concerns of so many people who have patiently waited for enforcement of the ban to occur. If you would like to be involved in future educational programming, planning and enforcement of the smoking policy, please contact Carol Moran-Brown at ude.nialpmahc|narom#ude.nialpmahc|narom.

Thank you.

David Provost
Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration

Leslie Averill
Vice President of Student Life

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