How Do I View A Patron's Name After Their Book Has Already B

There are times when you may need to contact a patron after they have left the desk. For example, if a patron leaves something valuable inside one of our library books, or they left a personal book or a book from another library along with the Champlain books they returned. If you can locate the check out slip in one of the Champlain books that was returned, you can look up the patron record as follows:

  • find the number at the top of the check out slip that begins with the letter 'p'
  • open Millennium and click on Circulation Desk
  • in the box that says Key or Scan Item or Patron Barcode — type .p with the number from the check out slip (example .p0203030)
  • click the search button

The patron's name and contact information will appear in the upper right corner of the Circulation box.

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