How Do I Add A St. Michael's Student To Our System?

When adding a UVM reciprocal student borrower:

  1. Swipe the person's college ID card using the card swipe machine at the desk
  2. If the word, "Permitted" appears, go to the step #4.
  3. Anything other than the word "Permitted" means the person will need to be verified by calling St. Michael's Library Circulation Desk at (802) 654-2400 to confirm the student is permitted to be added to our system.
  4. Click on "New" Icon link in Millennium
  5. Select Template: Select - Recipstu: Reciprocal Student
  6. Patron Type: 12 Reciprocal Student
  7. Patron Code 1: m St. Michael Col
  8. Expiration Date: See |Expiration Date for Each Semester
  9. Continue on like all the other accounts: See |How and when to create and add a new account
  10. Our bar code needs to be placed on the student's St. Michael's ID. The bar codes are in a folder labeled "VCAL, UVM, St. Mike's & Burlington College" located in the tiered holder next to the computer in the office, MIC 103.


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